Weak and tremulous
Weak and tremulous

weak and tremulous

In any earthquake, the outer isoseismal lines are nearlycircular in form, while the inner curves are elongated (approx-imately in the same direction), the innermost curve of allbeing as a rule the most elongated. Quivering as from weakness or fear (trem´u-ls) shaking, trembling, or quivering Tremulous Characterized by or affected with trembling or tremors Tremulous is a free and open source team-based first-person shooter with real-time strategy elements More crossword answers. Rough thoughthis scale of intensity may be, it would be difficult to over-estimate the service which it has rendered in the investiga-tion of earthquakes.


Knowing the degree at a large number of places, itis possible to draw on the map of an earthquake a series ofisoseismal lines, or lines of equal intensity. Thewaves of any earthquake, as they radiate outward from theorigin, pass gradually through these different degrees of in- 118 AFTER EARTHQUAKE AND FIRE. tures and chandeliers swing, to give a perceptible movementto the observers seat, to make doors, windows, etc., rattle,or, finally, to be just perceptible to a person at rest. But you can also use this adjective to describe a statement or action that lacks resolution and courage, or even simply something that's.

weak and tremulous

You’ve likely heard the unsteady voice of a person close to tears, or seen the trembling legs of a frightened child both could certainly be described as tremulous. If you're nervous at your first big job interview, your hands might be a little tremulous. From Latin tremulus, from tremere, to tremble. Something tremulous is shaky and quivering, usually from fear or lack of strength. Timid or fearful: 'the tremulous daughter who never left her fathers house' (Margo Jefferson). Marked by a rapid varying between pitches or tones: a tremulous voice. Others are strongenough to overthrow ornaments and vases, or to make pic-. Marked by trembling, quivering, or shaking: tremulous hands. Sometimes you can use 'Tremulous' instead an adjective 'Weak'. 117 To earthquakes of this class, the name of twin has beengiven, because, as will be seen, the double shock is due totwo distinct impulses resulting from a single generative effort.The strongest earthquakes in this country are just capableof producing slight damage to buildings. Tremulous and weak are semantically related. The parts generally differ slightly in duration andintensity, and occasionally in the nature of their vibrations. In some, the two parts are connected atplaces near the center by a weak, tremulous motion, which, ata short distance, becomes imperceptible in others, the inter-val between the two parts is everywhere one of absolute restand quiet. The shockconsists of two distinct parts separated by an interval of twoor three seconds, each part being similar to the shock of asimple earthquake. The remain-ing earthquakes are somewhat more complex. in this countryare fairly represented by the above descriptions. This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage. Alamy charges you a fee for access to the high resolution copy of the image. This image is a public domain image, which means either that copyright has expired in the image or the copyright holder has waived their copyright.

Weak and tremulous